Studying the level of organizational commitment of physical education teachers in Iraq
The purpose of this paper is to build and apply a scale to measure the level of organizational engagement among teachers, and identify the level of this correlation this is based on the lack of awareness of most educational institutions in Iraq of the importance of organizational engagement and its impact on the educational process, and the failure to reach a satisfactory level of organizational engagement among teachers. The researcher used the descriptive approach in her study, which is an approach that fits the nature of the research problem, as it is used to describe a specific phenomenon or problem. The research aims to study a specific phenomenon in a particular society, and the study population has been chosen to be physical education teachers in Iraq, who number about (4726) people, according to statistics issued by the Ministry of Education for the current year. A sample representing the whole community was selected and divided randomly using scientific rules and principles. The main sample consisted of 740 teachers, representing 15.6% of the community, and was divided into three samples. The reconnaissance sample consisted of 20 teachers, representing 0.4%, and the construction sample consisted of 320 teachers, representing 6.5%. The application sample consisted of 400 teachers with a ratio of 8.3, and the scale was applied to the application sample that was randomly selected from the total community. One of the most important results reached by the researcher is that: The study concluded that physical education teachers in Iraq have an average level of organizational engagement compared to their colleagues in the academic field. One of the most important recommendations recommended by the researchers is that: Improving the organizational correlation for teachers of physical education in Iraq, enhancing the efficiency of teachers' performance in physical education in Iraq to improve the level of organizational engagement, adoption of the study by the Ministry of Education, and conducting similar field studies on other samples.
الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 Dr. Layla Abdulameer Ibrahim

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